Pittsburgh, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/16/2012 -- Robo Business Leadership Summit attendees will meet high level industry robotics contacts in one location and apply ideas to implementation and shift business plans to profits. Industry leaders will learn from robotic expert presenters and hear from successful robotics companies unveiling revolutionary strategies, products & applications.
Seegrid will attend the Robo Business Leadership Summit. The Robo Business Leadership Conference is a 2 1/2-day event designed specifically to serve as a catalyst for commercial development and advancement of the robotics marketplace. Acclaimed as the premier business development event for the global robotics industry, where executives come together to accelerate the commercial advancement of robotics. The Summit will be October 22-24, 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Marriott Pittsburgh City Center.
About Robotics Trends
A division of EH Publishing, Inc., the Robotics Trends Group is the world’s first integrated media company serving the burgeoning global robotics industry. It produces the Robotics Trends website (http://www.roboticstrends.com) and e-newsletter, online media focused on technology trends for people who build, buy, and seek to understand the personal, service, mobile, and military robotics markets; and Robotics Business Review.
EH Publishing, Inc. is a leading provider of independent business and consumer content and information serving a broad scope of markets including custom electronics, information technology, house of worship, pro audio, robotics, and supply chain markets through publications, e-media and events.
Pittsburgh-based Seegrid Corp. (http://www.seegrid.com), is the leading Robotic Industrial Truck manufacturer worldwide; industrial robots are creating more jobs in warehousing and manufacturing facilities. The company has recognized the economic change in manufacturing. There is a strong increased demand for driverless industrial robots to transport goods horizontally without wire, tape, laser or other costly automated guided vehicle (AGVs) systems. These industrial robots are manufactured in America and support American manufacturing and warehousing companies— keeping America at the forefront of innovation and technology.
Seegrid Corporation
Amanda Merrell