Bored Never Blog starts partnership with Scott Tucker with spotlight on his “Fight to End Hunger,” to help feed San Francisco's homeless population.
San Francisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/09/2015 -- San Francisco, CA human rights activist Scott Tucker recently announced his creation of a charity to benefit homeless residents of San Francisco. The "Fight to End Hunger," Tucker's non-profit volunteer group based in downtown San Francisco, will be spotlighted in an upcoming feature by Bored Never Blog. The charity will place volunteers in positions to serve food to the homeless at public and private shelters throughout the bay area.
"This is a way for us to make a contribution that helps both the community and the people able to volunteer," says Tucker. "If we just donated money to a charity organization, we would definitely help, but so much more is accomplished by giving our friends and local residents the opportunity to volunteer their time during work hours and directly see the results of their efforts."
"Fight to End Hunger" announced that the partnership with Tucker and Bored Never Blog would be in full effect by the end of January. Tucker's organization is currently coordinating staffing positions with volunteers to create permanent positions for long term service work.
"Most of the opportunities that Fight to End Hunger offers are based around nutrition and ending hunger for the homeless," says Bored Never Blog editor Jerry Sachman. "To achieve the greatest impact, we decided to combine our workforce required volunteer time with this new charity. We had a company-wide discussion and everyone who works here weighed in, it was decided that we wanted to do more than just write a spotlight for tucker, we want to help too."
The charity will have their first official staff meeting in January. Food and fund raising will begin after the volunteer base has meet and decided on goals for the winter and spring seasons. Food collections will focus on non-perishable items and food contained in recyclable materials.
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