Specialized service offerings for Local businesses, Google Plus Local, You Tube Marketing and more.
Lahaina, HI -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/07/2012 -- Over the last few years, an increasing number of small local businesses are turning to the Internet to enhance their client base, and if the stats are anything to go by, the strategy seems to be working. It is estimated that the amount of businesses generated locally by businesses (within their own city) is bound to double over the next year, and increase significantly in the year after that too.
One of the primary reasons for that is the emergence of specialized local search results integrated with the common search platform by large search engines such as Google. Google has now integrated its Plus Local, Images, and Video listings into one interface and local businesses are garnering higher positions on search results from within the region, and rightfully so.
To help businesses better make the most of this change, Searchmarketinglocal.net, a leading Hawaii based Search Engine Marketing Company has come up with new offerings.
They now have campaigns that work with Google Plus Local, Google News, Video Marketing, Article Marketing, and Press Releases. Each of these are targeted using long tail local search keywords, and work to increase website traffic and local visitors.
According to Donald D. Dolenec, who’s the firm’s Marketing Director, Search Marketing Local’s new offerings has been generating a lot of interest in the market – not only within the USA, but from all over the world.
Mr. Dolenec wants to assist business owners with all of these Local Search Marketing Services.
To cope with this, the company now has expert consultants all over the world, who consult with businesses and come up with specialized strategies to help them make the most of their local search results.
Google says that about 66% of search traffic ends up within the top 3 search results, with close to 50% going just to the top one. Being on Page 1 isn’t the same as being on the top of SERPs.
Donald mentions that most businesses just focus on getting to the first page, but that the real magic happens when a business breaks into the Top 3. The traffic is bound to increase exponentially, and with it, so will conversions. Since they also integrate Social Media into their offerings, it works on multiple levels to improve the brand of a business.
You Tube Video Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcMNFkZxxkM
No business can today expect to survive without a strong online presence – whether it is a local business or a multi national one. Firms like Search Marketing Local are the need of the hour.
Contact them today at http://SearchMarketingLocal.net
Donald D. Dolenec
3350 L. Honoapiilani Rd.
Suite 215-156
Lahaina, HI 96761
Phone: 1-877-618-6284
Email: info@searchmarketinglocal.net
Website: http://SearchMarketingLocal.net