AMA Research & Media LLP

Skin Analysis Systems Market Still Has Room to Grow: Emerging Players Bomtech, Cynosure, FotoFinder


Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/05/2019 -- AMA recently published a detailed study of over 180+ pages in its database on 'Skin Analysis Systems' market covering interesting aspects of market with supporting development scenario ranging from 2013-2025. The study not just provides market size break-up by revenue and volume* for potential countries and important business segments but also commentary on trending factors, growth drivers. Profiled players in study from the coverage used under bottom-up approach are AGFA Healthcare (Belgium), Bio-Therapeutic (United States), Bomtech (South Korea), Canfield Imaging Systems (United States), Cortex Technology (Denmark), Cynosure (United States), DAVI & CIA (Spain), Dermalumics (Spain), FotoFinder (Germany), Guangzhou Beautylife Electronic Technology (China), Mela Sciences (United States), MHT Optic Research (Switzerland), Michelson Diagnostics (United Kingdom).

Skin analysis system is a process to analyze changes in skin properties mostly due to ageing, using high advanced imaging techniques with the purpose of finding preventive treatment solutions. Growing skin diseases with ageing population are expected to bolster the demand of skin analysis system with over 10,000 people getting skin cancer in United States alone provide lucrative opportunity for service providers.

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Market Segmentation
by Type (Skin Pigmentation, Skin Elasticity, Skin Imaging, Skin Condition), Application (Hospital, Clinic, Other), Sales Channel Type (Prescriptive, OTC)

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What's Trending in Market:
Adoption of latest Bio-electric Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology

Better understanding of skin and continuously modify regimen through analysis

Growth Drivers: Growing consciousness regarding aesthetics and rising incidence of skin diseases

Rising consumer awareness levels and acceptance rates for non-invasive and minimal treatments

Increasing geriatric population across the world

Restraints: Lack of proper supply chain and distribution channel

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Country level Break-up includes:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Nordic, Others)
Asia-Pacific (Japan, China, Australia, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Middle East & Africa, Others)

Major Highlights of TOC:
Chapter One: Market Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Scope/Objective of the Study

Chapter Two: Executive Summary
2.1. Introduction

Chapter Three: Market Dynamics
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Market Drivers

Chapter Four: Market Factor Analysis
4.1. Porters Five Forces
4.2. Supply/Value Chain
4.3. PESTEL analysis
4.4. Market Entropy
4.5. Patent & Trademark Analysis
Chapter Nine: Methodology and Data Source
9.1. Methodology/Research Approach
9.2. Data Source
9.3. Disclaimer

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