With many schools breaking up for their Easter holidays and millions of people taking to their cars to go away on holiday, traffic offences can be common. Motoring Offence Lawyers Ltd. offer simple solutions to avoid being stopped for a motoring offence.
Altrincham, UK -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/17/2014 -- Speeding solicitors for UK based Motoring Offence Lawyers Ltd offer some practical advice to stay safe and sane this Easter.
As schools break up for the Easter weekend and with predictions for sunny weather, road traffic is expected to peak from the start of the second weekend of April. The sunny weather also attracts people to the pub during the day and drivers should be aware how quickly you can cross your legal alcohol limit.
“The best advice to avoid potential prosecution for careless driving, drink driving and other related motor offences is to not drive for at least 24 hours after you’ve been drinking.” says Matthew Miller, Solicitor at the Manchester based firm that specialises in defending drink driving offences.
“If you are out with friends and worried that you may have exceeded the legal limit, make sure you are not tempted to drink and drive - don’t drive even if you have to move your car to a safer place,” adds Mr Miller.
“One of the most common situations we encounter is people who have been charged with drink driving after waiting until the “morning after” to drive again. They believe they have been responsible by waiting a few hours without realising they are still over the legal limit.”
About Motoring Offence Lawyers Ltd
Motoring Offence Lawyers Ltd. is a law firm specialising in drink driving, speeding, dangerous driving, and other traffic related offences. They are experts in motoring law and concentrate solely on defending people who have been prosecuted for motoring offences.
To find out more, visit, http://www.motoringoffencelawyers.com