
Steward Tech Seeks Crowdfunding to Move the World Without Motors

Patent-pending design destined to be a disruptor in the world of motors by reducing the cost of gas while helping the environment.


Gainesville, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 09/01/2016 -- Everyone wishes gasoline costs would be lower leading to a sense of frustration and helplessness every time anyone stops at a gas station.... until now. Thanks to StewardTech's unique patent-pending design for a turbine-based engine, lower fuel consumption can be a reality while simultaneously reducing our carbon footprint.

The company has developed a unique design (Patent Pending) for a turbine that they believe could replace piston engines in everything from lawnmowers to locomotives. They hold to the view that these turbines will be more fuel efficient, require less maintenance, be easier to produce as well as being more durable than their internal combustion counterparts.

Their out-of-the-box approach to designing a whole new form of mobility could conceivably revolutionize the transportation industry. The public at large is invited to make their contribution and join this revolution.

StewardTech is starting from scratch with nothing except patent-pending plans on the drawing board making funding essential. Funds are needed to purchase hardware and software, build out facilities, staff the design lab, procure necessary material components and everything else one could imagine a new engine company would need to get started.

While there are several perks sure to be of interest to the general public, the most satisfying perk of backing this Indiegogo project is the confidence of knowing they made a contribution that could lead to a big boost in the quality of life for every man, woman and child on earth through tremendous savings on fuel costs while making our environment cleaner and healthier for all.

The StewardTech High Efficiency Turbine Phase 2 Official Crowdfunding Page -