Croydon, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/20/2020 -- Whether they own a residential home or commercial space, every property owner's first priority is safety. One factor that can influence safety is the condition of the soil on the property itself.
If the property owner uses pesticides to keep the grass looking great and any weeds at bay, the owner must make very exceptional considerations to ensure that too much pesticide isn't applied in any one area. If pesticides are overapplied or spilled, it's crucial that property owners call for soil decontamination in Bucks County, PA, as soon as possible to prevent the pesticide from harming local wildlife or reaching waterways.
On the surface, pesticides might not seem like a significant cause of soil pollution in Bucks County, PA. However, many pesticides are made with inorganic materials that can kill plants and animals in the area. Pesticides can also seep through the soil and find their way into local water channels, which have the ability to make residents and animals ill.
Property owners are urged to contact Superior Tank & Energy as soon as they realize that a pesticide spill has occurred on their property. The team at Superior Tank & Energy uses professional-grade tools and resources to remove the pollutants and return the soil to a safe state. Anyone interested in learning more about Superior Tank & Energy's services or scheduling an appointment for soil remediation is encouraged to contact the company today at 215-596-4792.
About Superior Tank & Energy
Superior Tank & Energy has been a family-owned and operated company that brings over 40 years of experience to the industry. The company specializes in oil tank installation, removals, and repairs. The company has skilled workers as well as extensive construction and heating experience needed to handle every job. Superior Tank & Energy serves all of Southeastern, PA, and most areas of New Jersey. The company is located in Croydon, PA.