Hamilton, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/21/2016 -- September marked National Recovery Month, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in order to raise awareness about mental health and substance abuse disorder recovery. According to SAMHSA, over 43 million Americans suffer from mental illness, and 20 million have a substance use disorder. Recovery and awareness efforts are imperative to helping those struggling with these disorders. The CCGNJ encourages those raising awareness about recovery to include gambling disorders in their efforts.
Problem or disordered gambling is often called a "hidden addiction" because it manifests with few outward symptoms. Unlike substance abuse, which takes a visible physical toll, gambling disorders are a behavioral addiction that is much more easily concealed from family members and friends. In addition, gambling is legal in some form in most states, making it relatively accessible. Moreover, many gamblers resist seeking help for their addiction due to the stigma surrounding gambling addiction, a misguided belief that their behavior is a moral failure not an addiction and/or shame at the damage that has already been done to their finances, work life and personal relationships.
Problem gambling's hiddenness can have devastating consequences. One in five problem gamblers commits suicide, and this particular population carries with it a high risk of co-occurring substance abuse, mental illness and physical health issues. Overall, the disorder is detrimental to public health, and the only way addiction rates can be reduced is if concerted efforts are made to gain awareness, lift the stigma and get problem gambling sufferers the help they need. Due to the diversity of the gambling addict population and the different types of gambling that occur, ranging from Atlantic City casino gambling from gaming for sports scores in Monmouth, NJ, it's imperative that the proper compassionate, well-informed treatment is administered.
The CCGNJ offers support, treatment and help through its 24/7 hotline, 1-800-GAMBLER. Visit the website to learn more at http://www.800gambler.org.
About The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey
The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey is a non-profit, private organization dedicated to helping individuals seek help for their disordered gambling problem, and for concerned friends and loved ones to confidentially express their concerns about someone close to them. Their 24/7 hotline is 800-GAMBLER. The Council also works to train professionals in the fields of gambling addiction and recovery.
For more information, please visit http://www.800gambler.org.