Written by Michael Whitworth, ‘The Derision of Heaven’ was written to help America rediscover the fascinating stories of the biblical book of Daniel. While the country undergoes an increasingly-aggressive cultural war, Whitworth’s text is poised to bring readers’ focus back to the church and its true mission.
Bowie, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/20/2013 -- According to author Michael Whitworth, millions of Christians are becoming more embroiled in and passionate about political/social issues than they are about the gospel. In light of recent events in America’s expanding cultural war, Whitworth’s latest book seeks to end the attack on the church and the exile that threatens it.
‘The Derision of Heaven: A Guide to Daniel’ is already helping thousands of readers rediscover fascinating stories from the Biblical book of Daniel and grow closer to their faith.
Every day, it seems the world becomes increasingly hostile to Christianity. Values are being scuttled, faith is scorned, and God’s people are being marginalized. These difficult times pose two questions to Christians: How can we be the “light of the world” in such abject darkness? And how can God still be in control of all things? This book will help you answer these questions.
More than a guide to Daniel, “The Derision of Heaven” is an urgent message for the exiled church. As you journey through the story and visions of Daniel, you will be awe-struck by the sovereign rule of God, emboldened to live a life that glorifies him, and encouraged to serve in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.
The author maintains that the country’s present crisis may hold greater significance than many would care to consider.
“No one likes persecution or oppression, but the present crisis may be God’s attempt to get Christians to rediscover proper priorities. Christians will never regain influence through political clout, social media rants, or scary forwarded emails. Instead, I extol the virtues of love, civility, and self-control. The biblical Daniel's gentle and respectful spirit models how God uses ‘the foolish and weak’ to shame the wise and strong of this world,” says Whitworth, who achieved best-selling status with his previous book, ‘The Epic of God’.
Continuing, “For a long time, Christianity enjoyed unprecedented power in this country, but the American church is now under attack and headed into a form of exile. Castigated and flung to the margins of cultural relevancy to gather cobwebs, what are God’s people to do? How should we respond to this loss of influence? Look to the Bible, of course—particularly the Old Testament book of Daniel.”
To date, the book has garnered much positive attention. For example, best-selling author F. LaGard Smith shares an abundance of praise in the text’s foreword; “It’s a challenge to the church to see Daniel as a must-read for Christians who are now facing the imminent prospect of spiritual exile in our own homelands." Studying the book of Daniel and reading ‘The Derision of Heaven’ will explain why conviction and civility, rather than compromise or contempt, is the path back to relevance for the church in America.
‘The Derision of Heaven: A Guide to Daniel’, published by Start2Finish books, is due for release in paperback and eBook formats on September 3rd, 2013. For more information, visit: http://start2finishbooks.com.
About Michael Whitworth
Michael Whitworth is the owner of Start2Finish Books and preaches in Bowie, Texas. He is the author of several books, including the award-winning "The Epic of God." He is an avid landscape photographer and blogs regularly at Start2Finish Blog, a reflection of his daily struggle to become more like Jesus. He also serves as a Featured Writer for The Jenkins Institute's Hope & Expectation blog.
Michael is a proud Eagle Scout and alumnus of Freed-Hardeman University. He and his wife have one son. He considers M&Ms his brain food is fond of large Mason jars. He's a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys and Alabama Crimson Tide. In his spare time, Michael loves drinking coffee, watching sports, spending time with his awesome family and furry golden retriever.