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The Life of a Baby Boomer: New Book by Steve Stinnett Proves Power of Perseverance & Faith.

In his compelling new memoir, Stinnett calls on his own life experiences to prove that anything is possible. Poised to help anyone break down social barriers and realize their dreams, his book resonating with readers around the world.


Saint Cloud, FL -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/16/2013 -- While life boasts an abundance of opportunity, trying to realize dreams can be an emotion-hampering process. However, thanks to a compelling new memoir by author Steve Stinnett, anyone can use the inspiration of others to prove to themselves that success has no boundaries.

‘The Life of a Baby Boomer’ tells the powerful story of the author’s own life. While many thought he’d never succeed at anything, Stinnett’s steadfast passion and determination quickly proved them wrong.


This is a book for men/women who have ever struggled to achieve goals that often come quite easily to others. It is written in memoir form, but it also serves as inspiration to those who struggled in school, who came from dysfunctional families, who wanted to do better for themselves than what others might have expected from them.

This is about my journey and how God stayed with me every step of the way. It is a book that describes my journey from ‘the short bus’ at school, through the horrors of family emotional abuse, into the trials of my Navy life in Vietnam, back to civilian life and working in the prison system, and then coming full circle to end my career back in school as a history teacher.

As the author explains, his book can quite literally change the lives of readers.

“This book is important because it demonstrates what perseverance and faith can do for a person, even though they have suffered through dysfunctional family situations. It also places a huge focus on goals and how they can be achieved, even after being labeled as a 'slow learner' within the educational system,” says Stinnett.

Continuing, “Anyone can fulfill their dreams, even if they don’t get a chance to do so until adulthood. My book has no age barriers and doesn’t exclude anyone. If you have a dream, hope or even a shred of will power – perhaps my story will inspire you to become everything you’ve ever wanted to be.”

Critics praise their author’s diligent attempts to change the lives of others. However, according to Stinnett, the focus isn’t about him.

“It’s about each reader. It’s about empowering them to push themselves and fulfill their greatest desires. My own story is just used as a catalyst and to give to hope the millions who lack it,” he adds.

With the book’s popularity expected to soar, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies of the book as soon as possible.

‘The Life of a Baby Boomer’ is available now: http://amzn.to/16uVmiH also Barns & Noble NOOK E-Books

About the Author: Steve Stinnett
‘The Life of a Baby Boomer’ is available now: http://amzn.to/16uVmiH & Barnes & Noble NOOK-E-Books

Graduated Earl Warren High School, June 1964, Downey, California

U.S. Navy 1964-1968 U.S.S. Coral Sea (CVA-43) PH-3

A.A. Degree, San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, California

B.A. & M.A. Degree, California State University Stanislaus, Turlock, California

Community College/Secondary Teaching Credential, California State University Stanislaus

Retired Youth Counselor, California Department Corrections/Youth Authority

Retired Social Studies Teacher, Ceres Unified School District

Mae Hensley Junior High School, Ceres, California