Venus Factor for Women is being seen as the next best online fat loss program for women. But does it really work?
Portland, OR -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/17/2014 -- Undoubtedly, The Venus Factor comes as a blessing for those women out there who have been struggling from years to lose all that unnecessary fat from the body. Recently, this weight loss program has gained so much popularity in the weight loss field due to its effectiveness and credibility.
Inside The Venus Factor, three guides are incorporated. There is a Main Manual which will guide women in determining their ideal Venus Index ratio to decide whether there is a need to lose or put on weight. The second one is the Body Centric Eating Guide which describes a woman’s Venus Index.
Most of the weight loss guides our there definitely asks to consume less food, this guide on the other hand is designed to help women in finding out the right eating formula for the required weight loss protocol and on top of this, it also measures the calorie consumption with regards to weight, height, and dimensions. Finally, there is the 12 Week Workout Guide which is the most featured part of The Venus Factor This 12 week workout program will help women give definitions to their muscle through the assistance of weight training.
John Barban has set the foundation of The Venus Factor on the sensitivity of female body to the hormone leptin. The function of leptin was discovered not long ago in the year 1995 when it was found to have dramatic effects on fat and appetite, not just in men but in women especially.
Taking the example of insulin hormone, leptin’s role in the body is also very critical in regulation of metabolism and accumulation of right signals to burn or increase fat production, depending on different circumstances. The problem with female body is that the production of leptin happens twice as much as the male body which ultimately results in more resistance to the signals leptin release in order to initiate fat loss from storage or suppress appetite.
John barban has made The Venus Factor unique in the sense that its main target is the regulation of leptin and the set up of a diet which targets restoration of leptin sensitivity and this in turn can eventually initiate the fat burning process. In a 12 week fat loss system, John Barban has laid the nutrition plan of The Venus Factor which explains how to manage dieting plans, which foods are best to east and which ones should be avoided like plague.
Talking about the workout part, it is also organized in a 12 week system which is divided into three 4 week cycles, done three times a week. With basic equipment such as a reclining bench, a set of barbell or dumbbells, and a mat, the exercises mentioned in The Venus Factor can be easily implemented at home. There is absolutely no need to join the gym when women have ease of working out through The Venus Factor at home. Depending on fitness levels and goals, women can chose to workout flexibly and can carry out 1 to more sets per exercise. This workout program itself is brilliantly organized by John Barban and offers over 130 high quality online videos that can be easily accessed from The Venus Factor official website.
Listen below are the basic features of The Venus Factor:
1. The Venus Factor - 12 Week Fat Loss System PDF: complete information on which foods to eat and which to avoid, including the leptin response triggering herb.
2. The Venus Factor Workout – 12 Week Fat Burning And Muscle Tone Workout PDF: a solid exercise blueprint in online video format with over 130 demonstration videos.
3. The Virtual Nutritionist software: to accurately calculate your caloric intake depending on height, waist, weight, shoulders and age in order to achieve a perfect hourglass figure within an ideal Venus Index.
4. The Venus Immersion Community: a supporting community of ladies in exactly the same fat loss, muscle toning situation to help boost determination and dedication and stay focused.
The Venus Factor is a 12 week fat loss system based on a combination of nutritional guidelines and specific exercises for women with the extra help of software calculators for nutritional and body measurement accuracy, plus a ladies' community for help and feedback, the last one a very useful psychological tool to avoid staleness and spur optimal results.