Diet Doc’s prescription hormone diet plans effectively address the lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea without risking the dangers of weight loss surgery and are the smarter alternative, according to a new study.
Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/04/2013 -- While many people in Charlotte, NC are considering weight loss surgery as a solution to their struggles with weight gain and weight related health issues, like the lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea, few consider the serious risks associated with such a surgery. And, though a new study recommends weight loss to alleviate the drowsiness associated with lack of sleep and sleep apnea, it is important for potential patients to consider the perils they are facing when deciding on weight loss surgery. Diet Doc developed their prescription hormone diet plans as a healthy alternative to surgery and offers their clients fast weight management without any negative side effects or harmful complications.
As reported on by Medical News Today, new recommendations from the American College of Physicians advise patients lose weight and use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as initial therapy for sleep apnea and the lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea. Once sleep apnea was identified as the leading cause of daytime sleepiness, studies began to focus on this illness and how lack of sleep can affect those suffering. As more than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea, which increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and diabetes and increases the chance of driving or other accidents, researchers began looking for the most effective solution. Their recommendations for fast weight loss as a solution to the growing sleep apnea diagnoses came after research indicated that these diagnoses were increasing as obesity rates grew.
With this new information, many more people may be considering weight loss surgery to eliminate sleep apnea or decrease instances of lack of sleep but, because of the hazards associated with weight loss surgery, patients may be putting themselves in even greater danger. Diet Doc’s prescription hormone diet programs offer fast weight management and allows their clients to see immediate results with some losing up to almost a pound of excess fat per day.
Through a combination of prescription hormone treatments and a healthy meal plans prepared by certified nutritionists, Diet Doc programs have become the nation’s leader in medically supervised weight management and do not contain the unfortunate consequences that can often accompany weight loss surgery. Patients will enjoy wholesome, low calorie meals that allow them to lose as much weight as they would through weight loss surgery, but will still leave them feeling full and satisfied. And, once patients decide to begin losing weight with Diet Doc’s team of weight management professionals, they will also receive a cookbook with over fifty pages of healthy, low fat recipes to help them through this life-changing journey.
The Diet Doc team of physicians, nurses and certified nutritionists are committed to helping their clients in Louisiana lose weight as quickly as possibly to eliminate weight-related health concerns like sleep apnea and lack of sleep caused by weight gain. They remain available for unlimited client consultations, six days per week, to answer questions about their prescription hormone diet plans, offer suggestions about healthy meal options or to simply provide support and encouragement during the program.
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San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482
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