Kelly Habbas

Kelly Habbas Shares Dismal Experience With Kidney Stones

After one agonizing year, of passing dreaded kidney stones, Kelly Habbas has finally conquered this odd, strange “defect of the human body.”

Kelly Habbas Finally Conquered Kidney Stones

Kelly Habbas has finally conquered this "odd, strange defect of the human body!" ....or has he?! Most people end up encountering some kind of medical malady during their lives. The fortunate individuals who spend most of their younger years with relatively good health generally start experiencing health issues as they age and some systems inside of your body start to encounter issues, and the very unlucky individuals have problems since birth. The fortune news for Kelly Habbas is that he was not born with specific medical problems, but since the Fall of 2011, Kelly Habbas had problems with kidney stones.

Kelly Habbas Prepares Himself for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in 2013

Kelly Habbas has just announced that he will be running in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in 2013. He has already begun his extensive training for the entire marathon to be held next year—not just one leg of the race, the entire 26.2 mile run. Participating in marathons like this is a hobby Kelly Habbas has enjoyed for many years. His dedication to his pursuits and his physical prowess reflect in his professional life, where he is an authority in the IT industry and a leading voice in the CIO world.