Thomas’ latest book takes children on a whimsical journey through the alphabet, while reminding adults of what it’s like to be a child. With its educational and entertaining narrative, the book is poised to resonate with readers around the world.
Charlotte, TN -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/07/2013 -- When it comes to learning about books and the alphabet, many straight-education resources fail to captivate children and hold their attention. However, a new book by children’s author JoAnn Thomas strikes the perfect balance between entertainment and learning; changing thousands of lives in the process.
‘The Amazing Adventures of Emerson the Colorful Caterpillar from A-Z’ is more than just a story; it’s an exciting and enchanting way for young children to discover the joys of reading.
This is a children’s chapter book. (Easy reader) It is about a caterpillar named Emerson who knows how to read. He finds himself in a library where he gets sucked in to a set of red alphabet books. He has adventures and mishaps with the characters in the book from marching with his friend Andy the Ant, meeting a Chocolate Cow, having French toast made by a from and so on until the last book where he rescues a flying Zebra from a Zombie. Emerson carries a memory pack with him to take pictures of all his friends along the way.
At the end of his adventures, he wakes up back in the library. He has an urgency to get back home. While trying to get out of the library, he loses his memory pack and begins to wonder if it was all a dream. But then he emerges out of his cocoon a beautiful butterfly and to his surprise, all his pictures of his friends are on his wings.
As the author explains, it’s vital that children learn ‘silently’.
“Giving children a raw education book and asking them to learn the facts does nothing to stimulate their imagination and offers no incentive to keep reading,” says Thomas.
Continuing, “The key is to mask the education and wrap it up into an entertaining story. This is exactly the balance I am trying to strike with my new book. Research has proven the active learning is a very powerful thing.”
While her book appeals directly to children, Thomas also hopes adults will have a reason to reminisce.
“I want adults to once again remember what it feels like to be a child. While we all grow up, our imaginations can still fire and I hope my narrative allows adults to reclaim a bit of their past. Emerson has the power to inspire generations of young and old alike,” she adds.
Critics praise Thomas for the diligent effort she is taking to bring young and old close together. With the book’s popularity increasing, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.
‘The Amazing Adventures of Emerson the Colorful Caterpillar from A-Z’ is available now. The book’s stunning illustrations were provided by Jason Hilton (official website:
About the Author
The author is located in Charlotte, TN.