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Moderate Intensity May Be Ideal for Physical Activity, Reports Health and Fitness Workouts

Correct exercise intensity can contribute to longer life and other health benefits


Dallas, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/28/2012 -- A study conducted by a leading U.S. university concluded that less is indeed more in exercise. Studying the physical test results and other health data of 50,000+ American adults over a 30+ year period, the researchers found that running in moderation, i.e. jogging to lose weight, correlated to the longest lives and the most health dividends.

Participants who ran more than 20 miles a week at a minimum rate of 7 miles per hour mostly died earlier than those who ran the same distance at 10-11 minutes per mile.

“I do not think high-intensity exercise is bad, but I also do not see the need to overexert to achieve your health and longevity objectives; especially over a sustained period of time. This study, if anything, proves the importance of going about physical activity at the appropriate intensity,” K. Chatman, who runs exercise website Health and Fitness Workouts, commented.

Intensity may be measured impartially by a heart rate monitor or subjectively. Either is an acceptable method of measurement. Research shows that heart rate is a correlate of one’s feelings. Fitness experts have identified three levels of intensity, i.e. light, moderate, and high.

Activity of moderate intensity typically means breathing has accelerated but the person is not short of breath. Talking is still possible, but probably not singing.

Activity of high or vigorous intensity means breathing is at its fastest. The person is the closest to out of breath and talking is restricted to a few words. One breaks into sweat a few minutes into this activity.

“Should you feel pain or gasp for air, scale back and start slower. Your fitness level clearly has not caught up with the intensity of this activity. On the flipside, if you feel your heart rate is very slow, ramp up the intensity,” Mr. Chatman said.

On the whole, moderate- to high-intensity activity is ideal for weight loss. Light-intensity activity suits beginners, on the other hand.

“Ultimately, your physician or trainer should recommend the right exercise intensity for you. He or she can also help you compute your heart rate zone,” K.A. Chatman concluded.

About Health and Fitness Workouts
Health and Fitness Workouts is a resource site that provides answers to common concerns related to physical activity and overall health. One can find articles at this resource:" href="">> regarding exercise and fitness equipment.