KLUE Mobile; Unique Tool Records on-Screen Activity and Gestures Along with Audio of Mobile Users


Doral, FL -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/26/2013 -- KLUE Labs, a new company formed out of a partnership between leaders in user experience research and mobile app development Key Lime Interactive and Cru-cian Point, announced the final release of their flagship product KLUE Mobile today. KLUE Mobile is a tool that captures user interaction with mobile websites and imme-diately delivers video clips complete with on-screen activity, gestures and audio to de-sign teams and researchers looking to see their products in action.

With KLUE Mobile, design teams and researchers can use their own list of iOS users or utilize the diverse panel offered by KLUE Labs to screen in participants for qualitative mobile user experience studies. Users can take studies from anywhere in the world at a time and place that is most comfortable for them. This tool eliminates the need to schedule test time or have participants visit a test facility.

Once a study has been designed using the KLUE Mobile web interface, KLUE Labs will notify participants that a study is live via email or push notification. Participants can be targeted by gender, age, education, household income and location. Users who opt to participate are presented with a task to complete on a defined site while KLUE Mobile records user interaction. KLUE Mobile then delivers spoken audio and playbacks of gestural movements.

Unlike other remote testing products for mobile, KLUE Mobile does not require any modifications to an existing mobile site. Additionally, intelligent management solutions immediately notify clients when results have been captured and they can easily select, download and share video clips as they wish. Optionally, follow up surveys can be launched to gather satisfaction metrics and much more.

“User testing on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, is in high demand,” says Ania Rodriguez, Founder & CEO of KLI. “Our researchers are spending a lot of time observing and surveying users to intimately understand mobile behavior and trends for our clients. In doing this, we identified that a tool that would allow us to capture the same data remotely would help our clients reduce the time spent on various design cycles and save them money; KLUE Mobile was born.”

KLUE Mobile is available for independent use by parties interested in capturing qualitative data with mobile interfaces. Designers will be able to closely approximate the perspective of their audience by watching live interaction and qualitative user behavior can be analyzed by researchers as products are in development or being improved. They can draw conclusions from feedback and behavior to understand where challenges or strengths are present in the tested interface, and more.

If there is an interest in using this product for your research, visit KLUE Labs today. To inquire about pricing for your project send your inquiry to info(at)kluemobile(dot)com.

About KLUE Labs
KLUE Labs (http://www.kluelabs.com) is an independent company formed by Key Lime In-teractive (http://www.keylimeinteractive.com ), a global leader in user and consumer research and Crucian Point (http://www.crucianpoint.com) a mobile app development group. KLUE Labs has a mission to simplify user testing and user experiences by providing tools and solutions for use by industry professionals so that they may make informed design decisions and improve their products. KLUE Mobile is their flagship product and is a response to industry-wide need for testing solutions for the growing development of digital properties for mobile devices and tablets.

For more information about KLUE Mobile or to schedule a meeting or interview with founders of klue-labs.com, please email to info@kluemobile.com.