Press Releases For GA - Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta (US)

Penacon's Prison Pen Pal System Is Set to Change the Course of Society

Prisoners who maintain healthy relationships with friends and family on the outside are more likely to succeed in life on the outside. It's no secret that prisons provide little to no support structure for inmates who are soon to be released. This is where ( is set apart from other organizations.

Prolific Entrepreneur Dr. Glenn Toby Tackles Political Fiction in New Novel

Political power comes at a cost, and money isn't the only currency people are interested in. No one understands this more than author Dr. Glenn Toby, a man who went from sleeping on trains in New York City to running an international holdings company and talent management companies.

Young Writer Immerses Readers Into a Fantasy World of Tyranny and Bloodshed

LogoBookLogix is proud to announce the book release of talented young writer Michaela Strauther, who seamlessly melds themes of tyranny, courage, and family into her riveting young-adult high-fantasy novel, Embers of Empire. Strauther is the fifteen-year-old winner of BookLogix's 2015 Young Writers Contest and resides in Georgia with her parents and four brothers. While Embers of Empire is her first novel, be on the lookout for future works as she kicks off her writing career by pulling readers into the world of Sathryn Bassira, a brave young woman grappling with the challenges of an oppressive and unstable society.

Author Seeks to Bridge Faith and Science

LogoMarthaJean, speaker and educator, lives on a quiet farm in Piedmont. She questions the dismissal of faith in the process of scientific discovery. Her Waking the Seer novel, the first in a trilogy, investigates the power faith plays on science and how such faith can save the world.

Celebrate July 4th the American (Outdoor Grill) Way

It's not the fireworks displays that make the 4th of July a special holiday. It's the quality time that's spent grilling with family and friends.

J.R. Bolton Helps Homeowners Dry out Their Worries

Having too much of something isn't always a good thing. This is particularly true when it comes to the amount of humidity inside a space. A home that's overcome by excess humidity will consistently feel hot and sticky—no matter what the thermostat reads. When this happens, one way to re-establish chilled relief is by installing a home dehumidifier from J.R. Bolton Services.

Debut Author Adds Adventure to Your 10-Year-Old's Summer Reading List

LogoDavid Bernstein of Buford, GA is proud to announce the release of his first novel, The King of Pawleys. As a lifelong beach bum and the father of three, he combines his nostalgic childhood memories with his love for the little-known Pawleys Island, SC to bring to life a gripping tale of mystery, adventure, and friendship.

Cube Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Its Personal Hot & Cold Food Coolers

Cube is a remarkable new lunch box for food storage and it is developed by a Georgia based American creator, Michael Elder. With his 25 years of experience in the large format graphics and packaging market, Michael is passionate about creativity and this unique product that he has designed will truly become a difference maker in the market.

Pilot Showcases Normandy Through Fresh Lens for D-Day Anniversary

LogoJune 6, 2018 marks the seventy-fourth anniversary of D-Day, where many brave young men landed ashore under fire and secured liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany's control. Seasoned pilot and avid photographer Dennis P. Klein captures the essence of Normandy in his stunning picture book, Normandy, 75 Years Later, in anticipation of the next year's seventy-fifth anniversary. Although Normandy is noted for its apple cider, Camembert cheese, cows, hedgerows, and stone farmhouses, the events of seventy-five years ago are what define the region today.

One Man and A Brush Is a One Stop Solution for All Types of Residential Painting Services

A wonderful paint job can have a significant effect in the look of a building, be it old or new. Nonetheless, a fresh layer of paint also provides an extensive range of benefits that goes well beyond just aesthetics. An exterior and interior painting offers various practical advantages, like enhancement of the home's curb appeal, keeping the surfaces well protected, increment of property value, complementing the design theme, and much more. But, it is always recommended to hire professional painters for painting of home rather than handling it as a DIY project. Hiring proficient and experienced residential painters offers the home owners relief from significant part of the stress associated with painting a house. They can provide other handyman services as well, valuable advice on which colors would be the best and how to complete the task with minimal interruption to life.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Provides Legal Support when Claims Are Denied

Those living in the Atlanta area who have recently had their workers' compensation claim denied are contacting the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson to receive the necessary legal guidance they need to take their next steps.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Represents Those with Pre-Existing Conditions

For those in the Atlanta, GA area who have recently become injured while working on the job and are looking for a workers' comp lawyer in Atlanta are urged to contact the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson today for the legal assistance that is needed for navigating a workers' comp case.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Handles Automobile Accident Cases in Atlanta, GA

Known for protecting those who have suffered an injury while working on the job throughout the Greater Atlanta, GA area, the workers' comp lawyers at the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson can also represent those who have been injured in an automobile accident.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Provides Atlanta Residents with Free Consultations

Employees in the state of Georgia who recently injured themselves while working on the job are urged to get in contact with the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson and their workman comp lawyers in Atlanta this spring.

Workers' Compensation from the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Helps Injured Workers Resume Day-to-Day Living

At any given time, an injury can occur in the workplace whether it be in an office, on a construction site or inside a retail store. Under most circumstances, employees don't go to work expecting to succumb to an injury. However, accidents happen from time to time. Depending on the severity of the injury, hiring a workers' compensation law firm can be beneficial. Those injured on the job in Atlanta, Georgia should contact the lawyers at Workers' Compensation from the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson.

Propellant Media Is Offering Location Based Mobile Advertising Services Using Geofencing Technology

The increasing movement of consumers from conventional web browsing on laptops and PCs to mobile browsing on smart phones and tablets has made more and more advertisers to switch over to a new location based mobile advertising technology known as geofencing to target potential clients. Location based advertising is taking customized marketing to another level. Whether it is about conveying a personalized message to people near a retail store or a discount offer to individuals who just visited the rival store, location based advertising has extreme potential in engaging probable clients for a targeted campaign. Geofencing is a minor departure from the relatively known geo-targeting, i.e., confining the placement of digital advertisements so that they just appear to users inside a predefined set based around the location of the user's IP address. The possibilities for hyper local targeting includes competitors locations, stadiums, sporting and music events, office buildings, customer loyalty programs, conferences and conventions, intersection of popular streets, and various other places.

Atlanta Audio & Automation Opens Control4 Certified Showroom at 631 Miami Circle, Atlanta GA 30324

LogoAtlanta Audio & Automation is pleased to unveil its new Control4 Certified Showroom, located at 631 Miami Circle, Ste. 15, Atlanta Georgia, 30324.

Budget Like a BOSS: A New Book Launches Kickstarter Campaign

LogoBudget like a BOSS is an inspiring new financial guidebook written by a seasoned American author from Atlanta Georgia, Gianna N. Brown. The book is a complete guide for budgeting, merging hours and setting financial goals according to each dollar made. Moreover, Gianna has written this book to help its readers in expertly designing a budget that funds life's eight different experiences boss style. The author has also launched a fundraising campaign for this book on Kickstarter and the project is already getting a phenomenal response from around the world.

Author Pens Coming-of-Age Novel Packed with 90's Nostalgia and Hip-Hop

LogoFrom New Edition to Big Daddy Kane to A Tribe Called Quest, many of us can still vibe to hip-hop from the 80's and 90's. Author A.J. Kush has used his own roots, love of hip-hop, and experience as a mentor to craft his new coming-of-age novel Flicted. Set in the early 90's, his thirteen-year-old protagonist Dez not only draws inspiration from A.J.'s childhood influences, but his storyline also represents something deeper.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Amy Alderman Announces Launch of New Website with Sleek Design and Enhanced Functionality

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Amy Alderman is proud to announce the launch of her new website, which was designed with both aesthetics and function in mind. It features a sleek, modern design that is rich with content. With a responsive design, users can easily browse the website on a smart phone, tablet, or desktop without losing functionality.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Helps Those Injured in Automobile Accidents This Spring

Anyone who has suffered an automobile accident due to spring storms are encouraged to contact a workman comp attorney in Atlanta from the law offices of Darwin F. Johnson for assistance during a difficult time like recovering from a car accident.

Clients Experience Difference with Workers' Compensation Representation from the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson

While individuals may believe hiring a workers' compensation lawyer can have little to no effect on the outcome of their case, the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson have seen firsthand the difference their workman comp lawyers in Atlanta can make.

The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Helps Ease Client Stress with Legal Services

When a workplace injury occurs, the affected employee is likely to deal with several repercussions. These can be financial, physical, as well as emotional repercussions. Combined with not being able to work and having multiple doctor appointments, stress levels can be through the roof those who recently were injured at work. The Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson and their team of workman comp lawyers in Atlanta are able to ease some stress from clients with their experienced legal counsel.

Workers Suffering from Knee Injuries Turn to the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson

It isn't uncommon for someone to suffer a knee injury while on the job. With so many workers up on their feet throughout most of their work day, the chances of someone injuring their knee can be very high. Those who have suffered knee injuries in the Atlanta area have turned to the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson for years. Those looking for workman comp lawyers in Atlanta should look no further than Johnson and his team of lawyers.

Workers' Compensation from the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson Only Charge Clients if Case Is Won or Settled

A Georgia workers' comp lawyer from Workers' Compensation from the Law Offices of Darwin F. Johnson will recover a fee from their clients, if, and only if they are victorious or they reach a settlement.

Author Pens Relatable Bilingual Bedtime Story

LogoZena Harris, mother of two daughters, dreams to bridge the gap between hearing and non-hearing children. She now publishes a perfect nighttime read, No Night Night. Zena takes advantage of the small things around her every day. Her two daughters are her main muses. In fact, Zena recounts that, "When they were small, they always tried to stay up past their bedtimes. Each one had a different way of avoiding it."

Homeowners Gain Home Team Advantage over Comfort Loss

Baseball season is in full swing. But, this year, everyone is cheering for the team at J.R. Bolton Services. That's because this premier HVAC company in Gwinnett County, GA, is throwing comfort loss a curveball by sharing the tips, tricks and advice homeowners need to hit peace of mind out of the park.