Leisure and Lifestyle Press Releases

Old School New Body Review : How to Have a Young and Slim Body with F4X Training Guide

The website discusses how weight loss can be difficult for older people. The e-Book teaches how research has found that people aged 90 and older can still build muscle, and lose weight to become fit just as younger people are able to do. The program covers the focus 4 exercise protocol. Members will learn how to eat properly at the right time to help lose weight. The program boasts that anyone can lose weight and build muscle in only 90 minutes of exercise each week. The Holman’s found that there were certain muscle movements that need to be done to build muscle and burn the fat each week.

Home Workout Programs from Garage Warrior Review Reveals How to Instantly Burn Fat

According to DailyGossip.org, anyone willing to look great can instantly burn fat with the use of this method. Home Workout Programs from Garage Warrior will lead to fat burning 21% faster in a 3 minutes fat loss plan. The method reveals users some metabolic secrets that have not been released until today. The 2-3 minute specific metabolic ignite sequences that can be found in this guide, cannot be accessed by users anywhere else.

Workout Finishers Review Discloses the Secrets to Mike Whitfield's Program

According to the review that readers can find on Daily Gossip, this actually is a metabolic program that was specially designed to help people lose fat, while building muscle mass. The method was created by Mike Whitfield, who is a popular fitness professional and training expert. In fact, Mike used this method, too, being able to eliminate the extra pounds and body fat, while building lean, perfect muscles.

FlexBeltReport.com Looks at the Flex Belt; Claims It Works

The new year is upon us and health and fitness is usually at the top of everyone's list. Yes, a lot of us have put off our fitness goals throughout December in order to partake more fully in the indulgent Holiday season, but now that January is here, it's time for reality to slap us across the face and make us get with the fitness programs that a lot of us have been putting off. Fortunately, the market is saturated with just about every “get fit quick” device that enthusiasts can imagine and one of the most popular ones is the Flex Belt. However, does it work? The writers at FlexBeltReport.com believe it does.

Pro Cyclist to Coach Greater Houston Triathletes and Cyclist the Finer Points of Bike Handling and Cornering

LogoHouston triathletes are you ready to step up your game and gain confidence in your cornering and bike handling abilities? On February 15th Pro cyclist Michael Pincus will be coaching triathletes and cyclist the finer points of bike handling and cornering at the Third Coast Training USA Triathlon Certified Performance Center. Michael a native Houstonian started racing in 2007 and currently races for UCI registered Continental level team Astellas Oncology.

Pro Cyclist to Coach Greater Houston Triathletes and Cyclist the Finer Points of Bike Handling and Cornering

LogoHouston triathletes are you ready to step up your game and gain confidence in your cornering and bike handling abilities? On February 15th Pro cyclist Michael Pincus will be coaching triathletes and cyclist the finer points of bike handling and cornering at the Third Coast Training USA Triathlon Certified Performance Center. Michael a native Houstonian started racing in 2007 and currently races for UCI registered Continental level team Astellas Oncology.

Upcoming Cultural Events Sponsored by the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters through their sister organization, Universal Life Church Christian Academy and Seminary offer earned degrees in Pastoral Care, Divinity, Biblical Studies and Theology. These courses are taught by Professors of Accredited Universities; Dr. Bart Erhman from the University of North Carolina and Princeton Theological Society, Dr. Amy Levine, Vanderbilt and Duke University, Dr. Phillip Cary of Eastern University and Yale University and Dr. William R. Cook of New York State and Cornell University.

Announcing "ULC Leaders for Life" from the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Boca Raton, Florida recently introduced its "ULC Leaders For Life" program. Members thereof to be included within the Board of Bishops, expectations of each as follows; a Pastor of their own Church, a host on the Universal Life Church Radio Network and Leadership within their local community.

Vebo Pet Supplies Offers the Finest Quality Bird Cages in Australia

In fact, the quality they showcase is unbeatable. Elaborating it further, a spokesperson added, “We stock a range of larger metal bird cages that are great for parrots like Lorikeets, Parakeets, African Greys, Eclectus, and Cockatoos etc. You are welcomed to come to our Sydney store, but you can also buy bird cages online as we also deliver Australia wide and are able to deliver a bird cage to Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth at very competitive rates.”

National Enquirer Releases a Feature Article on Stevie Nicks and Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Boca Raton, Florida recently made headlines in the National Enquirer in an article entitled: "Is it true what they're saying about Stevie Nicks?" According to the article "After Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks spent years denying she was a witch, she’s NOW a card-carrying minister!" The Reverend Michael J. Cauley, OSM, (Brother Michael), President and Presiding Bishop of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters confirmed the same on Facebook.

Official Ferrari Merchandise Now Available at Fan Fashion

Now, get officially licensed Ferrari clothes this season only at Fan Fashion. They have selected the best racing merchandise for customers. Being the shop for Formula 1 fans who want prompt delivery of their official merchandise, Fan Fashion is unmatched in customer satisfaction.

Snowbird Guests Elated by 53 Inches of Snow in Nine Days

“Snowbird has some of the best conditions in North America right now, and our guests are over the moon about the recent snowfall”, said Dave Fields, Vice President of Resort Operations.

Kansas City Roofing Company Earns Angie's List Super Service Award 9 Consecutive Years

LogoEclipse Roofing, servicing the entire Kansas City metro area and based in Johnson County, announces its receipt of the Angie’s List Super Service Award for 2013 and the past nine years running.

Fitlife Now Offering Personal Training Throughout January

LogoFitlife is committed to helping people keep their New Year’s fitness resolutions. Although studies have shown the vast majority of people do not keep their resolutions, Fitlife is confident they can reverse this with their versatile personal training programs. Before getting frustrated over failed resolutions, see what their services can do. To help people reach fitness goals, Fitlife is now offering personal training in Warminster and other areas throughout January.

Married Name Change Launched to Help People Change Their Names when Married or Divorced

Changing one's name is a surprising common occurrence, but never more so than with people who get married. In cases where couples wish to double-barrel their surnames, both can change names. Equally, new trends are beginning to form in which individuals create a portmanteau, combining their two surnames into a new surname for the couple, so “Smith” and “Giles” becomes “Smiles”. In these cases people need to know how to go about legally changing both their names, and Married Name Change is a website that contains all the information to help them do so, from step by step guides to ready-made forms.

10 Cute New Stylish Plus Sweaters for Women for 2014 Are Featured at the-New-Fashion.com

The New Fashion have recently been looking at some of the women's sweaters that are available to buy right now at the start of 2014, and have managed to pick out a selection of 10 new sweaters from Stylish Plus that may be worth considering because many of them are currently 80% off for a limited time only.

Eyelash Enhancement Reviews and Articles Now Available on IdolLashInvestigator.com

Idol Lash Investigator, an expert in the eyelash industry, recently announced its decision to begin publishing informative articles on IdollashInvestigator.com. The new articles will include reviews, investigations, and industry news—all related to eyelash enhancement.

New Sage Homes Introduces Ultra Energy Efficient Green Building Kits That Transport Easily and Assemble Quickly Reducing Building Costs and Construction Project Timelines

New Sage Homes LLC, designers of Smart Housing Solutions, now offer two new high performance backyard buildings. The 119 sq. ft . Backyard Quadra and Backyard Diamond get closer to energy independence by combining passive solar principles with high performance SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) building components. Their small spaces are designed for office, studio, or guest house.

Old School New Body Review - Renowned F4X Training Program by Fitness Experts

The prevailing misconception that intensive workout routine can help people attain a radiant, younger and fit body has actually made several situations worse, by making the bodies more bulky. Health and fitness experts suggest that light but correct exercise, complimented with a balanced diet, is the best way to a toned, leaned body, and is highly essential in slowing down the aging process. But the fact that markets are already flooded with such products, claiming to provide these benefits, it becomes quite hard of a task for an individual to select the best one.

Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation Don Green & Choice Expert Rico Racosky Join the Conversation

LogoVoice America Talk Radio Network, Internet broadcasting pioneer, producing and syndicating online audio and video, today announced that Don Green Executive Director Of The Napoleon Hill Foundation and Rico Racosky Positive Choice Expert will join Little Conversations Today radio program on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel (http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2289/little-conversations-today) Friday, January 17, at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.

New Study Shows Jobs with the Heaviest Workers

The most recent data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index found that workers from a number of industries, including transportation, manufacturing, repair and service industries were more far more likely to be obese, compared to doctors, business owners, teachers and other professionals who were least likely to have a body-mass index of 30 or over –which is the clinical definition of obesity.

A New Study Shows a Link Between Exercise and Risk of Breast Cancer

A new study in the journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention has shown that exercise may lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer by breaking down estrogen.

Capitol Leather Announces Expert Leather and Vinyl Repair Service

According to IBISWorld’s most recent market research report, Americans spend more than $2 billion per year on furniture repair and re-upholstery. In an effort to meet this demand, Capitol Leather is offering a wide range of leather and vinyl repair and re-upholstery services.

Tips on MMA-Style Workouts Now Available at RushfitCritic.com

RushfitCritic.com, the premier website dedicated to providing the latest news, information and tips on MMA-style workouts, is pleased to announce that they have upgraded their website with an assortment of new content designed to help people reach peak physical condition. Whether the goal is to compete or simply to lose weight and adopt a more healthy lifestyle, RushfitCritic.com provides a wealth of knowledge to help people achieve or even surpass their desired results.

The Six Pack Method Review Reveals a Simple Way to Gain Muscles Fast

According to DailyGossip.org, the program was created by Mike Chang, a popular personal trainer and fitness professional. The magazine reveals that Mike managed to find a new way of modeling perfect six packs in the shortest amount of time.