Social and Consumer Press Releases Elected Most Influential 501c3 Charity for "Grieving Parent Support" and "Child Loss" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area.

Faith Challenge Bible Activity Book: New Book Brings Young & Old Together, to Explore Word of God Through Mind-Bending Challenges

With global church attendance declining at an alarming rate, the Christian community is having to work harder than ever to keep people engaged with the Bible and empowered to explore its concepts. Michigan’s Phyllis J. Cole has stepped in with an unlikely yet hugely-powerful tool – a Bible activity book that uses well-crafted challenges to help literally anyone grow closer to their faith.

AHNA President-Elect, Carole Ann Drick PhD, RN, Will Keynote at 1st Biennial Texas Regional Holistic Nursing CAN Retreat in Salado/Belton,Texas on Friday October, 24

LogoThe Central Texas Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association is holding their 1st Biennial Texas Regional Holistic Nursing CAN (Complementary and Alternative Nursing Modalities) Retreat on Friday October 24 through Sunday the 26 at Summer’s Mill in Salado/Belton, Texas.

Precious Gems Worldwide Offers World-Class Personal and Professional Development Services for Women

Aisha Martin is excited to announce the launch of her coaching firm, Precious Gems Worldwide. The new agency represents a lifestyle brand for empowered women all over the world.

Accurate Psychic Readings in the Portland Area: A New Cutting Edge Technique That Works

This Healing Center operating in South West Portland, called "Psychic Readings of Portland", has recently started to integrate a new cutting-edge healing modality in their Psychic Reading & Counseling services, with successful results.

Bidatingsite Provides Easy Online Access to Bisexual Individuals and Couples

The world is dominated by people with well identified sexual orientation, that is, heterosexuals. The support for homosexuals has grown and spread far and wide on Earth, and they are being classified as a community based on the sexuality they exhibit. But the bisexuals are the vagabonds in the world of sexuality. Bi Dating Site is a website that has been launched as part of the struggle to end this discrimination. It is the first and the largest dating website that is exclusively for bisexuals. It is completely secured and very effective in search for a bisexual individual or couple in the users’ localities.

Anne Humphrey Crowned 2014-15 "Ms. Black Legacy"

Anne Humphrey has been crowned Ms. Black Legacy (2014-2015). She is the pageants inaugural queen and was selected because she is a shining example of confidence, credibility, elegance and grace. “Be Bold! Be Inspirational! Be True! Be Love! Be AHthentic! Be YOU! Be AH!" This quote by Ms. Humphrey of The AH Show demonstrates her desire and zeal to inspire those around her and reignite their passions for living life with purpose. Ms. Humphrey is also campaigning for President of the Fort Lauderdale Broward Branch of the NAACP. As Ms. Black Legacy, Anne Humphrey will have the opportunity to further promote her platform: Conversations of Transformation, Becoming a Better You; using her “Love on U” seminar program. Anne Humphrey was quoted in O Magazine, “Let’s get back to the basics. That is where your answer lies.” (October 2011, page 32) Voted Most Influential 501c3 Charity for "Child Loss" and "Grieving Parent Support" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area. Elected Most Professional 501c3 Charity for "Grieving Parent Support" and "Child Loss" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area. Recognized Most Supportive 501c3 Charity for "Child Loss" and "Grieving Parent Support" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area.

The Marketing Heaven's Social Media Marketing Strategies Replicated by Government

It has just hit the headlines that the government has spent $630,000 buying Facebook likes. While many pundits have viewed this as a controversial decision in times of swinging austerity in other departments, business insiders have claimed the move has a strong logic to it, and cite a failure of the department to capitalize on the momentum built by such investment on the lack of social media engagement, rather than on the strategy itself. This has many businesses re-evaluating such services and seeing the value in them, and The Marketing Heaven is one of the only places to find a full suite of services for all social media platforms.

Kazal Family Website Reveals, Linton Besser Tried Best to Put Down the Respect of Kazal's Family and Tony Kazal

It was not only Mr. Kazal suffering in the whole scene even his family (including brothers, Tony Kazal and Karl) were also tortured in the same way, by Linton Besser and Rodric David. The corporate thief, Rodric David and Journalist, Besser worked together to plan the strategies against Kazal.

Kamere and Comstock's Partner to Identify the Capital Region's Top 10 Most Inspiring Stories

LogoKamere, a media start-up company, and Comstock’s, the Capital Region’s award-winning business magazine, are collaborating to identify and recognize the Capital Region’s 10 most inspiring stories from the nonprofit community. The winning stories will be included in the 2015 edition of Capital Region Cares.

Kamere and Comstock's Partner to Identify the Capital Region's Top 10 Most Inspiring Stories

LogoKamere, a media start-up company, and Comstock’s, the Capital Region’s award-winning business magazine, are collaborating to identify and recognize the Capital Region’s 10 most inspiring stories from the nonprofit community. The winning stories will be included in the 2015 edition of Capital Region Cares.

Kamere and Comstock's Partner to Identify the Capital Region's Top 10 Most Inspiring Stories

LogoKamere, a media start-up company, and Comstock’s, the Capital Region’s award-winning business magazine, are collaborating to identify and recognize the Capital Region’s 10 most inspiring stories from the nonprofit community. The winning stories will be included in the 2015 edition of Capital Region Cares.

Asian Pacific Women's Center Launches Peace Begins at Home Campaign to Address Domestic Violence in Underserved Communities

LogoThe Asian Pacific Women’s Center (APWC) today announced the launch of their first-ever campaign, Peace Begins at Home, to address the issue of domestic violence in the underserved Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community. APWC is also seeking support from community members to participate in this campaign through art empowerment.

Against Violence Against Women: New Book by Renowned Psychologist Exposes Global Roots of Sanctioned Violence Against Women

Domestic and international violence against women continues to dominate global news agendas, but few are aware of the origins of sanctioned violence against women and the true nature of its epidemic. Dr. Rona M. Fields has dedicated her life to working with women who have become victims and survivors of conflict, and her game-changing new scholarly book exposes the problem in a shocking yet vitally-important new light.

GetMeLikes Expands to Include Instagram Comments Following Success of Core Services

Instagram is a simple but effective social media image sharing platform that enables people to take photographs that better encapsulate their perspective of a moment or memory than a raw photo could by adding filters and atmospherics. This simple technique has made it the largest photo sharing site on the internet, and as such it has untapped potential for businesses and individuals seeking to establish their name or brand online. GetMeLikes helps them do that, and has now expanded its range of services to enable platform augmentation on a new level. Recognized Utah's #1 Best 501c3 Charity for "Child Loss" and "Grieving Parent Support" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area. Elected Most Supportive 501c3 Charity for "Grieving Parent Support" and "Child Loss" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area. Honored Utah's Top 5 501c3 Charity for "Grieving Parent Support" and "Child Loss" Announces Annual "Walk to Remember" Saturday 11-Oct-14

LogoShare Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. has been helping bereaved parents since 1977. Share is dedicated to supporting parents (and families) throughout the United States and internationally. Share Parents of Utah serves the greater Salt Lake City area.

Freelancer Training Site Publishes Work at Home Career Guide for Moms

LogoFreelancing Mom's new career guide, titled "21 At Home Jobs You Can Do Today (and Where to Find Them!)" focuses on in-demand careers that stay at home moms can perform at home without having to spend money to get started.

Doris Day Animal Foundation Awards Grant to Sam's Hope for New "Meals for the Pets of the Homebound Elderly" Program

LogoThe Doris Day Animal Foundation (DDAF,, a national non-profit organization founded by the legendary actress and animal welfare advocate, has provided a grant to Sam’s Hope to establish a “Meals for the Pets of the Homebound Elderly” program.

Swiss Privacy Alliance to Launch Campaign for Internet Privacy Standards

Swiss Privacy Alliance has launched an Indiegogo campaign to set privacy standards for the Internet worldwide. Offers Solutions Ranging from Pesky Pest Problems to Skin Problems

A website has recently opened that publishes practical solutions to almost any problem that people encounter every day. will be a good help to those who are suffering from persistent problems such as offensive body odor, destructive termites and many more.