Press Releases From 01/30/2012 Until 06/17/2024

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TCCI Manufacturing Heavy Duty Air Conditioning Compressors - Better Performance and Fewer Failures

Worldwide companies look to T/CCI for performance and durability with very low failure rates, significantly longer lifecycles, and lower costs. Wobble plate compressors offer the best value in cost and durability and are used in heavy-duty truck and vocational vehicles; they represent 90% of compressors sold in the HD market. Compact compressors for use in low horsepower applications and are a drop-in replacement for current wobble and swash plate compressors. They offer improved resistance to low or lost lubrication conditions.

Crowdfunding Campaign Launched for New Health Supplement That Can Help Improve Health

A campaign has been launched to help with the manufacturing of a new revolutionary ol-Scienta health supplement that will help people find a new and effective way to prevent diseases and live longer.

Rehab Center Rankings Publishes New Rehab Center Top Ten, Announcing New Global Winner

Rehabilitation is essential for anyone suffering from debilitating addiction who wants to get their life back on track. However, in order for rehabilitation to be effective it must be well enacted, and finding a highly recommended rehab center can be difficult if one doesn't know where to look. Fortunately, solves that problem by offering independent and insightful reviews of centers around the world. Their latest update has been to post a top ten of global rehab centers on their homepage, which sees a Swiss practice take the number one spot.

Qweyboard App Prevents Iphone Users from Touching Wrong Keys

QWeyboard is a specially designed app that helps people prevent touching wrong keys while typing on their iPhones. It contains an intelligent algorithm that prevents errors and decides the word probability, correcting it. This app is more reliable than other similar apps, as it combines 2 keys, while users type the same key number.

New Release of UNCUT Product Review Sylvan 6 in 1

LogoNew blog posted recently: Sylvan 6 in 1 Professional Multifunction Microdermabrasion Machine Product Review. This blog post reveals the product's features, description, pros and cons for consumers to check out, including their LED light therapy feature.

Etiquette Expert Michael H Kaleikini Announces American Business Etiquette Training Now Available in Southwest States

In the age of massive connectedness and ever increasing globalization some sets of skills are becoming more and more valuable everyday. Very high on the list, many business gurus agree, is what's broadly referred to as business etiquette. Covering a number of areas, which when developed guarantee better performance, a happier work environment and overall increased success more and more companies and individuals are seeking professional training in this area. In the Southwest United States, finding this kind of training has recently become easier and more affordable than ever. Certified Business Etiquette Trainer Michael H Kaleikini is now offering acclaimed, comprehensive training and the response has been wildly enthusiastic.

Consult the Real Experts for Crawl Space Cleaning Los Angeles California

The air inside the house is the source for many allergies not to mention, can also play host to deadly bacteria that can slowly infest the house causing long term ailments. A good way to ward off unwanted guests from the house and improve the overall quality of the air is to call in experts from Greenman Air Duct Cleaning for crawl space cleaning Los Angeles California.

Cut Down on Energy Expenditure with Help from Insulation Replacement Los Angeles

With prominent seasonal changes, attic insulation takes a huge hit. Insulation replacement Los Angeles is the answer to energy bills going up because of faulty, flimsy insulation. Many home owners do not realize this but; their attic can be the source for many problems around the house. From rising electricity expenses, to pest infestations to water damage and so forth.

Prevent a Fire Hazard with Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent cleaning is probably the most ignored yet, the most important part of home maintenance. Fires caused by a clogged dryer vent are increasing in number and the only way from preventing this from happening again and again is to get a professional from Air Duct Cleaning Pro to attend to it right away.

Save on Home Maintenance and Health Costs with Air Duct Cleaning in Agoura Hills

Air duct cleaning in Agoura Hills is not a luxury but a necessity that many homeowners can benefit from. It can be the answer to the majority of problems around the house from stale air to allergies to inefficient appliances.

Wasatch-Contract-Manufacturing (Private Label Liquid Supplier) Announces T-I-P-S (Total Ingredient Polarization Synapse) Technology for Anti-Aging Product Development

LogoWasatch Product Development is focused on providing the most responsive and flexible service in the industry and has a diverse clientele ranging from leading global companies to virtual and emerging entities. With unmatched technical expertise, innovative equipment and regulatory knowledge, Wasatch maintains a demonstrated record with the FDA as well as with its customers; many of whom have outsourced with the company for over ten years. The Wasatch Product Development's lab is compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) along with being registered and certified by the ATF, and FDA. Wasatch has been developing and manufacturing several unique products for many of the World's most successful consumer product companies since 1998.

Pirate Bay Sets Sail Again After Servers Raided in Sweden Are Migrated to New Base in Ukraine

The Pirate Bay was for many people their first experience of peer to peer file sharing on a large scale and became the first place to search for the latest movies and TV shows to download and view for free. For millions of people the ease of access to immediately available, high quality copies of media that was as yet unavailable to most around the world was a sensational resource. The website has been shut down many times, often forcibly, but has now risen again with a new home in Ukraine.

Upgrade It Skills Publishes New Post Helping People Get Whatsapp for Their PC

Whatsapp is an incredibly popular messaging app that allows people to message one another through mobile devices using their data connection, costing them a fraction of traditional texting costs and filling their phones with additional features like the ability to message groups of people, and broadcast big announcements to all contacts. The biggest problem users have now is that they can't integrate Whatsapp with their PC when not using a mobile device. Upgrade It Skills is helping people do just that with a new editorial showing how to make this possible.

Working with Words: Students Earn Good Cash Through Blog Writing Services

Many college students are taking advantage of the blogosphere to strike in and make some extra bucks. Based on a 2012 research conducted by AGIM "American Global Information and Measurement" company, Blogging is ever more popular. The research discovered over 6.7 million individuals all over the world publish blogs and another 12 million write blogs utilizing their social media sites. Of the writers, approximately 50% are part of the 18-34 age demographic. Proposes an Easy Way to Recover Lost Files from Emptied Mac Trash

For many Mac users, recovering lost files after emptying the trash bin is quite an uphill task., a leading software development firm that mainly develops useful applications for Mac users, recently came up with a data recovery tool that reduces the job of lost data recovery to bare bones. It happens with many users that they accidentally the trash bin of their Mac computers and all their efforts to recover the lost data go in vain. For them, has now brought a very useful data recovery tools. According to the developers, the software-based tool built for Mac can recover up to 95% of lost data. Users who are clueless about how to recover Mac lost files after emptying Mac trash bin can now just download and install the application on their computer to get peace of mind.

Katie Cleary and Jon Cryer Are Hilarious in "Two and a Half Men" Gym Scene

The CBS series "Two and a Half Men" will be ending forever after 12 wildly successful seasons. It's been a long road for the series with plenty of major upsets and cast changes that have been making headlines for years. But the show is still as funny as ever.

Emerging Technology Offers Low Cost Manufacturing on Plastic Injection Molding at Very Affordable Price

Our desire is to give our customers the advantage of quality and cost effective plastic injection molding service at affordable price.

BuyCheapPokerChips Now Offers Affordable Zynga Poker Chips Online

There is no doubt that the world of online poker has exploded over the past five years. In 2012, AppData conducted a survey that discovered Facebook poker players were the most populated with a total of 6.2 million active users per day.

Pretty in Paint Parties Announces Availability for Kids' Birthday Parties This January

LogoOften, organizing a child's birthday can be an arduous task that will take up a great deal of time. From contacting all of the parents to finding activities to keep the children entertained, there is a plethora of things that need to be accounted for to ensure the party runs smoothly. Alleviating some of the planning-related stress, Pretty in Paint Parties has announced their availability for kids' birthday parties this January. Not only will the children have a fantastic time, but they will also have a keepsake to bring home with them.

Watercolor Artist Features Painting 'The Old French Mill' Tribute to History of French Mills

LogoWatercolor artist, Valerie Garner showcases work titled  'The Old French Mill' as a tribute to the many charming old mills that were part of France's history.

New Company, Buskins Leggings, Launches Successful Affiliate Program

LogoThe fashion industry has received a much-needed company. Introducing, Buskins Leggings. After launching the company on December 1st 2015, Buskins has surpassed all expectations. Especially those first set by industry leaders. One of the biggest factors that has lead to the great success of this startup is their affiliate program in which they launched with the start of the company on December 1st this past year.

Breathe Easy with Professional Air Duct Cleaning

Contaminated air can be the biggest source for allergens in the house causing much discomfort especially to those who suffer from allergies. Unless the air inside the house is clean, there is no way to guarantee things are going to get any better. Getting rid of the staleness in the air and inviting fresh new air to help breathe easy can be done by professional air duct cleaning.

The Best New Women's Watches for 2015 Are Featured at

The New Fashion regularly feature some of the best new dresses, tops, shoes and boots on their blog, but they have recently been looking at watches in particular, and have picked out 20 of the best new women's watches for 2015.

Personal Finance Management Company Reviews Can Jump Start Your Year

LogoFor (TBC), the beginning of a new year brings a batch of new company reviews. In one of TBC's newest verticals, personal finance management companies are reviewed. The TBC currently has reviewed 16 different companies, with the hopes of adding more soon.

Forex Monster Announces Best Forex Robot Winner

Forex Monster has unveiled its Best Forex Robot Winner, which can give the much needed helping hand to new and experienced traders in the business.