Universal Life Church Public Relations

The Universal Life Church: A Firm Believer of Equality in the Church

LogoRecently, a march to mark twenty years of the ordination of women in the Church of England was held in London. As a firm believer of equality in the Church, the Universal Life Church watched these events with interest.

The Universal Life Church Is a Unique Ordination Organization Offering Ordained People to Take Action

LogoThe Universal Life Church is dedicated to help people who feel the vocation to serve others to get a legitimate and faith based ordination and to start working right away. This Church not only provides ministers with a certificate, but also gives them an opportunity to find their place in God’s field.

The Universal Life Church Seeks Ways to Reach People Who Need Help

LogoThe Universal Life Church follows the main principle of Christianity, which is to help people, who are in need. This church knows exactly what the poor people need and how to provide them with the best possible help.

The Universal Life Church Presents Its Network to People, Who Want to Serve Others

LogoThe Universal Life Church has created the ULC network with the goal to gather people, who believe in God and feel the vocation to serve others following His commandments.

The Universal Life Church Provides People with Bible Based Principles to Help Them Meet Their Daily Problems

LogoThe Universal Life Church is based on the Holy Scripture and the principles found therein. They lift the faith up, thus helping people leave all of their daily battles and problems to Jesus, who is their Redeemer and their Helper in times of need and trouble.

The Universal Life Church Is Now Available on the Most Popular Social Networks: Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter

LogoBeing a modern and open to all people organization, the Universal Life Church is now reachable on the most popular social networks that people use on a daily basis. Believers can now get regular updates from the Church by following it on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

The Universal Life Church Reveals People Steps to Heaven

LogoThe main goal of the Universal Life Church is to show people worldwide the way of salvation. The Church believes that the salvation is possible through faith in Jesus Christ, so they now reveal the essential steps that individuals should make to get eternal life in heaven.

The Acceptance of the Universal Life Church Ministry Credentials Offered in the ULC Online Store Are Absolutely Guaranteed

LogoThe Universal Life Church offers in their online store three credentials of ministry for different positions, which will be accepted by wedding or legal authorities, hospitals, county clerks, FBOP, DOC, etc.

The Universal Life Church Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Offering Daily Recipes

LogoThe Universal Life Church encourages people worldwide to live healthy, so they are able to fulfill God’s calling and help the needy and sick in their troubles. The good health is extremely important for those who have a mission in this world, so the Church offers a list of daily recipes that can help people maintain good health and well being.

The Universal Life Church Invites People Who Would Like to Worship God to Attend Their Weekly Services

LogoThe Universal Life Church holds weekly services where people who wish to worship God are invited to join. Their main services are held on Sunday night and on Wednesday night.